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shown immediately after any Feature Ad and before any text-only ads
always shown first in search results before any Photo or Text-only ads
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Cost free free $45/3 months
(Canadian funds; taxes applicable for Canadian residents)

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If you've sold your horse through EC's Equimarket and would like to make a donation to keep the system going, we appreciate any donation you can make. Please click here for more information.


How do I place an ad?

Step 1: Sign up for a user account
Step 2: Login to your account and you will be able to place an ad

I'm getting an error when I try to place my ad

The most common reason for getting an error is when an advertiser tries to enter something other than a number and/or a decimal point. For example: obo, a dash "-" etc.
Make sure you are only entering a number and/or decimal point. This format then allows potential buyers to do a search based on price range.

Can I add a picture?

Yes - you can add 1 picture to your ad. You will see this option once you confirm your new ad. Or you can add a picture later by logging into your account and choosing which of your ads (if you have more than one) you want to add a picture.

Please note the following specifications for photographs :
File size = no more than 300k ; File type = .JPG or .GIF
Image dimensions = no more than 500 pixels wide and 700 pixels high.

If you are having problems resizing your ad, or adding a picture, email us at and remember to include your ad#!

Can I edit my ad later?

Definitely. Just login to your account and choose which ad you would like to edit by clicking on the 'edit' link beside the ad.

Can I delete my ad?

Definitely. Just login to your account and choose which ad you would like to delete by clicking on the 'delete' link beside the ad. Remember that any deletions are final.

I've logged into my account, but I can't see the ad I'd like to edit!

This usually happens when an advertiser has more than one account. Ads will only show for the account used to place it. If you still have troubles, email us at

I've logged into my account, and can see my ads, but I don't see the links to 'edit', 'delete', or 'add a photo'!

This usually happens when an advertiser has an internet security program running on their computer which may be blocking the webpage from downloading properly. The most common culprit in these cases is Norton Internet Security.

What does it cost to place an ad?

Text ads are free of charge. Picture ads are currently free of charge. Feature ads, which give you the highest visiblity, are $45/3 months (Canadian).

I can't find my new ad - how long does it take to appear?

Ads appear automatically on the site - there is no delay.
If you can't find your ad, make sure that you chose a category when placing your ad. Also remember that ads appear in the following priority sequence:
1. All Feature ads
2. All Picture ads
3. All Text-only ads

How can I upgrade my ad to get more visibility?

Try our Feature Ad option. Feature ads are shown at the top of all categories and include a thumbail image beside your ad's title as well as inclusion in our "Feature Ad" banner found throughout

How do I know how many people have seen my ad?

When viewing your ad once it is place, you'll see the following below your ad's description: "This Ad has been viewed __ times".

I'm looking for something specific and don't want to wade through a lot of non-relevant ads.

No problem. Use our powerful 'Search Ads' feature which allows you to narrow down your search with a multitude of options.

Is there an easy way to see ads placed today?

Yep, there is. Use the very handy feature found at the top of the right column labelled "Most Recent Ads". You can view ads from today, last 3 days and last 7 days.

I know the ad # I'd like to see. How do I skip directly to that ad?

Right below the "Most Recent Ads", there is a "Show Ad #". Just enter the ad number exactly (with no spaces)

How about if I want to see horses for sale in a specific province or state only?

Again, no problem. Near the top of the right-hand column you'll see a "Find a horse in" feature where you can select the province or state you want from the drop-down box.


Have you found or sold a horse, saddle, etc. through our classifieds system?
Do you enjoy the website and would like to see it grow to be even bigger and better? It's our turn now to ask for your help!

Big or small - your generosity makes a difference!
We are extremely appreciative of any donations we receive. All monies received will be put directly back into improving the website - both it's speed, features and content.

Donate Securely using
If you would like to make a donation, we've set up a Paypal account for specifically for donations.


© 1998-2004 Equestrian Connection - website design by: outrageous creations!
| photos © Cealy Tetley, Christina Handley, Clix, Time Flies|
To the best of our knowledge, all graphics used on this site are public domain or used with the author's permission.
If you see anything that is not properly credited, please email our webmaster.