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Training Level Packer with Prelim Experience

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Category: Horses For Sale Canada
Ad #: 129563
Date: 12/03/2015
Contact: Darbie
British Columbia
V2A 2L8
Telephone: 250-488-8295
Price : $ 45000 CAN
Age : 9
Height : 16.1 hh
Sex : Gelding
Breed : Percheron, Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred
Disciplines : Dressage, Eventing, Hunter-Jumper, ShowJumping, Youth/4-H Horse

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FOR SALE: Presence of Mine is a bay 9 year old 16.1hh Thoroughbred Cross gelding with bloodlines that include Northern Dancer, Native Dancer, Buckpasser, and War Admiral. He has successfully competed at the Prelim level and is a Training level packer. Has competed in dressage to First Level and has competed to 1.10 meters in the jumper ring. Upper level potential. Great horse for Young Riders.
Huge ground-covering stride on cross country and yet adjustable. Experience with trakehners, Walden's Walls, skinnies, corners, drop, and angled fences. Lovely mover with scores that reflect in dressage. Has shoulder-in, haunches-in, canter-walk, walk-canter, half pirouettes at the walk, leg-yield, half pass, counter canter, and flying changes.
Zack is a very-easy going boy with a great personality and temperament. He loves his job, and is a straight-forward ride. Has been professionally trained to Prelim, and has been competed by a junior to Training. Zack is quiet enough for anyone to ride. Has been ridden by beginners and an autistic boy. No vices. Zack has also pony clubbed to "A" level.

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