Gypsy is a beautiful 14.3hh 2001 double registered Pintabian stallion. He is approximately 98% Arabian, and all foals out of purebred Arabian mares will be 99.2% Arab bred. He also has 75% Crabbet breeding. Out of Maf Gay Paree and sired by Cr Royale Sands. He has thrown many eye catching offspring, with a vast majority possessing colour. All his foals have striking conformation and temperaments, no matter what the color. He himself has a beautiful temperament and the mares actually tend to beat him up. He is very level headed and intelligent, not to mention controllable in the presence of mares. Sadly, his previous owners did not train and show him, but we expect him to do well in trail, cross country, and vaulting. Update:he is moving along swiftly at about 20 days. He is a really versatile stallion and his foals usually inherit this gene! He also has exceptional movement! Don't miss your chance! His price will rise to around 5000 when he is fully trained. Can be sold as gelding. Delivery not available over 2 hours away from Creston BC
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