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Picture listing:
Increase the visibility of your listing by adding a picture of your stallion.
A small thumbnail (50x50 pixels) will appear beside your stallion's name in the list view.
A larger picture (up to 250x250 pixels) will appear with the full information of your stallion.
Cost: $45/year (GST extra)
Email for more information.

Enhanced Stallion Listing:
Your stallion listing will appear with other enhanced listings at the top of the list for that breed category, highlighted in your choice of 1 of 3 colours with text bolded.
Cost: $20/year (GST extra)
Email for more information.

Featured Stallion Listing:
Your stallion will be featured at the top of the list for that breed category, with a larger photo (150x150 pixels) and a link to your full listing.
Maximum 1 featured stallion per breed category per month.
Cost: $20/month (GST extra - minimum 2 months)
Email for more information.

Stallion of the Month:
The ultimate in visibility. Your stallion will be featured on the main Stallion Directory page with a photo (150x150 pixels) and a link to your full listing.
Maximum 1 featured stallion per month.
Cost: $35/month (GST extra - minimum 2 months)
Email for more information.


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© 1998-2004 Equestrian Connection - website design by: outrageous creations!
| photos © Cealy Tetley, Christina Handley, Clix, Time Flies|
To the best of our knowledge, all graphics used on this site are public domain or used with the author's permission.
If you see anything that is not properly credited, please email our webmaster.